Monday, September 16, 2013

Short Update

I can't write long today but I realized it's been a LONG time since I posted last! Work's going pretty well, keeping me busy...and recently it's been decided that we all need to learn Spanish so I've been having fun with that. I took Spanish in Jr. High and high school, but that's about it. I tried to learn German while working at Dead Horse Point, and that was fun, but haven't really done anything here language-wise. We have online classes and I ordered CDs from the library so that should help. So far I'm up to 3 hours online.

I've been at this job almost 2 years now (wow!) and have lost about 15 pounds!!!!! I've got 5 more to go before I can celebrate losing 20 pounds and getting back (almost) to my pre-Dave weight...but I finally can fit into a size 6 again--Dave finally made me go shopping and get some clothes that aren't baggy on me. Soon I will be able to post a picture--once I learn to use his computer to post pictures on here!

We're going to his sister's wedding this weekend at Lake Tahoe and I managed to get 4 days off work for it--so excited!

1 comment:

Galadriel said...

Oooo, I want to see you dolled up for the wedding! Great on losing weight--I'm now back to my pre-marriage weight and am still shocked about it :)