Monday, December 26, 2011

Jelly Belly Factory

About a month ago, Dave and I went over to Sacramento to get tires on his truck. We decided to go a little further and visit the Jelly Belly factory! I LOVE Jelly Belly Jelly Beans so I was more than a little excited. We weren't allowed to take pictures during the tour but we could take pictures in the main part of the building.

Their address...

Mr. Jelly Belly greeting visitors!

Yes, I am easily entertained...Dave didn't want to wear the hat. I wonder why?


Jen said...

I hate when you can't take photos! :) Sounds like fun!

Gilbrides said...

So fun! I love it when my girls' preschool takes a tour of the Sweets Candy Company. I LOVE the free samples!!! Hope you got lots of yummy jelly beans!