Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My Shorts Don't Fit :(

...that statement made both Dave and my brother-in-law Derek laugh. I never used to own a bathroom scale and always said "as long as my clothes fit, I'm happy." Well....I have outgrown my size 4 pants and now my size 6 work shorts don't fit! So....I have to make more of an effort to exercise. I don't eat bad at all (most of the time...) and I'm ok with the way I look; I just don't like that my clothes have started to not fit and I don't want to have to replace everything!

Dave said that being in a relationship immediately adds 15 pounds for him. I'm thinking it may be the same for me! I've been walking more than before and doing some exercises and I know that during the trip to California we will be walking non-stop most of the time...so I think by the end of my 2 weeks off work my new shorts WILL fit! It's definitely a change in lifestyle though. No more vegetarian boyfriend obsessed with climbing mountain peaks--as much fun as that was I wouldn't trade it for what I have now :) :) :)

Other than that, I think exercise is the biggest thing I'm not doing much of right now. I don't drink soda and I mainly drink tea and water. Coffee in the morning and wine at night, maybe a beer once in a while but not often enough to really count as a major calorie source!

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Galadriel said...

Hooray I can leave comments on your blog (my computer doesn't like the form on your other blog, but I read every post--promise)!

I'm almost down to my pre-marriage weight, never mind my pre-baby weight. I tell you, have a child and watch the pounds melt away...I attribute it to our daily walk using the sling--he's getting heavy--and breastfeeding. So that's my advice, anyway!