Saturday, June 25, 2011

New Blog!

My other blog, Adventures in the Desert, is mostly used for recording things in the natural world. This includes hiking and camping trips, wildflowers, cool animal sightings and other nature-based adventures. This blog will be a little more personal, for anyone who may be interested...if anyone is at all interested! I'll try to keep friends and family informed of funny stories, randomness and developing information (GRE testing, school, home, Dave...etc). Sometimes it may be just to organize the thoughts in my head. I like to write and take pictures, people-watch and we'll see what happens.

I also turn 30 this year and have been thinking (not too seriously) of doing one of those 30 while 30 lists but haven't really come up with anything solid yet. I only have about 5 days to do so if I'm going to, so it may not happen.

I work at a state park outside of Moab, UT and recently have been spending a lot of time in the entrance station (sensory deprivation chamber) collecting fees so I have a lot of time on my hands at work--I've been reading and studying for the GRE but sometimes it works just to let go and write, job-related or not...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Whoohoo! Welcome to your new blog :D