Thursday, August 16, 2012

Virginia City, NV

I was off today and had the day to myself so I decided to go up to Virginia City again to walk around.

The boardwalk on Main St. Lots of shops, "saloons," restaurants and museums.

View of Virginia City

I decided to take a tour of the Best & Belcher Mine under the Ponderosa Saloon. The family that was also on the tour was from Logan, UT.

Tour guide.

The Silver Queen hotel and wedding chapel. Each dot is a silver dollar.

The winding staircase at the Old Washoe Club. Doesn't look sturdy enough...haha.

The chandelier at the Old Washoe Club.

I've heard people call it a tourist trap but it's a great place to go walk around and sight-see. I like pretending I'm a tourist! And there's a lot I haven't seen up there yet. This is the first time I've made it up there with a real camera though, instead of my cell phone "camera." I'm happy with the pictures I got! It's up in the mountains so it's a little cooler than the valleys below.

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